Additional Resources
Pennsylvania Association for Healthcare Volunteer Resource Professionals
http://www.aginginplace.org/how-to-volunteer-as-a-senior/ Benefits of volunteering
http://www.volunteermatch.org/nonprofits/learningcenter -- Tools & training for those managing volunteers
http://learn.volunteermatch.org/-- Volunteer management resources
http://www.volunteerpower.com -- Understand & equip the 21st century volunteer: books,articles, workshops
IJOVA_Flyer.pdf -- The International Journal of Volunteer Administration
http://www.embraceyourlegacy now.com -- Embrace Your Legacy website:Creating leaders for social change
www.championsofcaring.org -- Champions Of Caring website
Volunteer Management Good Practice Guide --Free online guide from the Johnson Center Nonprofit Leadership Institute
Managing Volunteers: A Good Practice Guide (pdf) -- From the Citizens Information Board
www.energizeinc.com -- Energize Inc.,Volunteer management updates and publications
www.independentsector.org -- Independent Sector, Leadership forum for charities, foundations and corporate-giving programs. Estimates dollar value of volunteering
www.jcaho.com -- Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization
www.morevolunteers.com -- More Volunteers, Practical gides for working with volunteers from Dr. Judy Esmond
www.pointsoflight.org -- Points of Light Foundation, National Volunteer Network Center
www.volunteermatch.org -- VolunteerMatch, Links Volunteers and Opportunities
E-Volunteerism -- "Electric Journal of the Volunteer Community," E-Volunteerism is a quarterly publication that caters to managers of volunteers
Stanford Center for Social Innovation -- You don't have to attend Stanford, just make it seem like you do with information from Standford's Center for Social Innovation. Check out studies and articles on the subject of volunteerism and other topics. The website also contains a blog, podcasts, and videos. This department publishes the Stanford Social Innovation Review, a subscription publication for nonprofit leaders and foundations
Youth Engaged in Service Tool Kit -- For those who wish to create a new program or add to an existing one, this tool kit helps you attract youth to your program